our services

Eye health assessments for all ages

Ocular disease management

OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) retinal imaging

Contact lens fittings and one-on-one instructional sessions

Dry eye treatments and products

Myopia control management

Designer eyewear and personalized shopping experience


Our programs


For Kids born in 2019 & 2020

As proud partners of the Eye See Eye Learn program, we want to make sure your kids start school with all the tools for success!

Bring your child in to see us for their OHIP-funded eye examination and they may be eligible for a complimentary pair of glasses should they require them.*

Contact us or visit www.eyeseeeyelearn.ca to learn more!

*Some restrictions apply


our commitment

As proud members of the Canadian Association of Optometrists and the Ontario Association of Optometrists, we are committed to upholding the highest standard of care for our patients and supporting our profession as an independent clinic.

We are also partners of Eye Recommend, a network of independent optometry clinics across Canada.